About the Board

School Board

The Waukegan School Board consists of seven elected individuals who represent you, the community, in school district matters. School Board members are elected to four-year terms. The main function of the Board is to establish policy for Waukegan Community Unit School District #60. The Board of Education believes that its role is best articulated by the article, "Foundational Principles of Effective School Governance" from the Illinois School Boards Association. Please read this informative article to learn more. You can also visit the Illinois School Boards Association web site to learn more about how boards of education function (http://www.iasb.com/)

The Board meets in regular session on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. (See BoardDocs Web Site for specific dates and meeting agendas.) Meetings begin at 7 p.m. and are held in the boardroom of Lincoln Center, 1201 N. Sheridan Road, unless notice of a change of location or time has been made.

Special Meetings may be called by the President of the Board or by any three members of the Board. These meetings are also open to the public with the exception of those designated "executive session".

Public Participation is an agenda item at regular School Board sessions. During this time, a citizen may address the board. (Three minute time limit per speaker.)

To address the School Board, either:

  1. Make a request in writing at least one week in advance. Requests should include purpose, name, address of the speaker and the length of time required for the presentation, which will not exceed three minutes.
  2. If no advance requests have been made a citizen may address the Board by being recognized by the Board President. Each speaker must give his / her name and address, and if representing an organization, the name of that organization.


The Board President may determine:

  • An extension of the speaker’s time
  • The relevance of the remarks
  • Whether or not a non-resident may speak.


Citizens may also contact board members via email. Please visit our Board Members page for information about our current school board members and their email addresses.

Waukegan Community Unit School District #60: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request Information


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