Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan DESTINATION 2022


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Ms. Theresa Plascencia: Hello, I am Theresa Plascencia, Superintendent of Schools for Waukegan Community Unit School District #60. I am very excited today to introduce the Waukegan community to Destination 2022: Driven By Design.

Destination 2022 is our district's new, comprehensive 5-year strategic plan. This plan will serve as a road map for Waukegan Public Schools during the next five years, and it has been crafted in the vision of all our stakeholders.

I am happy to share Destination 2022 with the community because this plan is a culmination of 18 months of planning. Our team gathered input and feedback from staff, parents, students, community members and the Board of education, to build the future for Waukegan's children in the vision of all our city's stakeholders.

This 48-page document lays out where our District has been, where we are, and more importantly, where we are heading. Inside you can read about our district's vision, core values, initiatives and the theory of action that guides the work we do each day. You'll also have an opportunity to read detailed strategies and goals from our district's various divisions. These strategies detail how each division will accomplish its goals while ensuring community engagement, organizational effectiveness, institutional access and a supportive climate.

Destination 2022 is available in PDF form in both English and in Spanish and on our District's website. I will begin a Strategic Plan Listening Tour at the beginning of this month which will feature more than two-dozen meetings where, staff, parents and community members will have an opportunity to discuss how the plan will shape our district's future.

I hope you enjoy our strategic plan, and I look forward to working with each of you to build a better school district for our students in Waukegan Public Schools.



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